Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Unleash Your Strength, Release Your Potential!

By Modupe Eka

Last time we looked into the key role our personality play in all aspects of both our personal life and our professional life. We discovered how understanding the way we are wired can enhance our communication and enable us to interact appropriately with other people avoiding conflict.  Today we will be looking at our individual personality dynamics.
Upgrading your sense of purpose is one of the most practical and powerful thing you can do to grow. The stronger your sense of purpose, the more powerfully you will be pulled by your vision and the less you will be swayed by inevitable setbacks. Understanding yourself will put you in your area of strength; increase your productivity; advance your interpersonal skills; strengthen your relationship and provide you with information needed to maintain a positive self-concept for your organization and everyone working with you.(For more information on discovering yourself/workshop visit wisepersonality site)

What is your outlook on life? If you only understand life from only your own perspective, which is the most natural way to view life, you will often fail to communicate and work effectively with others. We all have different cognitive styles, that is, the way we receive and evaluate information. Some of us are systematic thinkers, and some are Intuitive thinkers, some receptive thinkers while others are perceptive thinkers. These styles are fairly fixed by the time we reach maturity and they greatly affect the way we perform on any profession we go into.

Every one of us is a unique blend of the four personality styles taking the wise personality test will reveal a 95% accuracy of your personality to you. Most commonly we have one predominant style, backed up by a secondary style, your primary trait is your core trait, that is, your passion, while your secondary trait serves the primary trait it supports and assists you in thinking, feeling and acting the way you do.

It is helpful for us to remember that, personality researchers have discovered that when life’s challenges and demands force a person to play a role that doesn’t suit his or her personality that person’s immune system, enthusiasm and motivation wear down significantly over time. Such situation cause us to not only view life from a negative perspective, but also to feel tired, to think less clearly and to feel less satisfied in all other aspect of life.  
For this reason it is important for us to identify our unique personality characteristics and function within its borders.  For example, a high D who wants result will rely on power and control. If his secondary trait is I he will use persuasion skilfully to help achieve his goal. If instead his secondary trait is C, he will use factual information skilfully to help him present his case. Again the primary trait will be the driving force and the secondary trait will serve the primary trait in order to bring about the desired end. At times circumstances force you to use a particular style with you are not very comfortable with, adapting yourself to these circumstances will cause you to grow in these new areas. 
Identifying your unique characteristics and putting them to use will help you grow in all areas of your life. Earlier on we agreed that we treat different animals differently according to our knowledge of them, very few of us would keep a lion as domestic pet for example. We must also learn how to treat people differently according to their makeup.

The likes and dislikes of each personality types are very different, before we continue let us take note that, we are different not better than others. The D’s likes to win, like to think about the future, like new ideas, like challenge, like activities that change a lot, likes project that produce result, likes to be their own boss, and like things to move fast. They however dislike being under anyone else’s control they dislike to be bogged down with details and they hate routine. Communication tip in dealing with a D, be brief and specific, get to the maim point; focus on action-based result.

The I’s like to be liked, they like simple and practical ways of doing things, they like to express their ideas and feelings, they like social activity and fun, they like surprises. However they dislike control and pushy people, they do not like conflict with other people and they have no patience for details.  Communication tips in dealing with the I’s: keep a friendly environment; let them express their own ideas; tell them what others have done and have short term project with incentives.

The S’s like to be accepted, they like teamwork and cooperation, they like predictability, they like to work on one task at a time, they like to stick to what they know and they love practicality, the more practical the better for them. However they do not like conflict, they do not like sudden change they do not like surprises rather they want to know what is going to happen in advance and they do not like arguments.  Communication tips when dealing with the S, be agreeable and non-threatening, show sincere interest, demonstrate patience be clear and calmly explain details explain their contribution and valued service in the plan.

The C’s like to be right, they like practical ideas and suggestions, they like to know exactly what is expected of them, and they like to finish whatever they start and they like establish routine and pattern. However they do not like conflict and they think and worry a lot. Communication tips for dealing with the C’s create a Pro/Con balance sheet for suggested actions and are specific on points of agreement, supply clear accurate data.

Each style also have learning, motivational and ideal environmental style insight into these information is what create super blends and combination at work and in personal life. Next time we will be looking at combinations and styles. See you at the top.

•Modupe Eka is a consultant, trainer of the D.I.S.C model of human behaviour, a graduate of  English language, with teaching background, she is a Public speaker and by practice a counsellor and an expert in relationship and communication she runs seminars and workshop for cooperate and private institutions on topics as sexual health, parent/child  relationship and cooperate/ effective team building. She has organized and runs various youth empowerment programs.  Together with her team they have done extensive work with many Redeem Christian church of God parishes within the Lagos environs.

For contact and enquires

info@wiseupfoundation.net Dupe_eka@yahoo.com   08023426953

Culled from pmnewsnigeria.com

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