Saturday, August 30, 2014

50 Signs You Need to Start Your Own Business- Part 2

11. You want to make a name for yourself. Several of the greatest entrepreneurs and business owners realized that they wanted something more from life. Steve Jobs knew he was special. If you feel that way, too, then big things could come out of it.

12. You have always wanted to be your own boss. Whether you’re a control freak or just don’t like being ordered around, you have determined you have always wanted to be the boss.

13. The hiring of independent workers is on the rise. The Harvard Business Review reports, according to MBO Partners, the number of independent workers (freelancers, contractors or business owners) is on the rise. It's expected to increase from about 17 million in 2013 to 23 million by 2017. And Mavenlink's 2012 infographic, "The New Independent Workforce," projected that the number of independent workers to become 40 percent of the American workforce by 2020.

14. Your field lacks jobs. The economy hasn’t totally rebounded and your industry sector has a hiring freeze. Instead of waiting around or taking a job requiring fewer skills than you have, you are considering setting up your own business.

15. You can afford to take risks. If you’re single or without young children, you probably don’t have to worry about supporting others. Take advantage of this time in your life when you have the chance to be a little adventurous.

16. You can't stand the daily commute. If you sit in traffic every day muttering expletive after expletive, maybe you should set up your own business at home. After all, successful businesses have even launched from garages.

17. You possess an incredible work ethic. If you don’t mind putting in 12-hour days multiple times a week (as people do when starting a business), then why not put that to work for something you’re really enthused about?

18. You crave uncertainty. You’re the type of person who thrives when exploring the unknown. So starting a business may be right up your alley. It definitely beats being bored to death by performing that job you're tired of. I am this type of person and very proud of it.

19. You always see potential. No matter where you are or what you're doing, you always feel the need to make improvements. You now understand that as a business owner, you could realize enormous potential -- making money or enhancing the lives of others.

20. More projects are going to contractors. If you’re seeing your current employer hiring outside help for a job that you know you can do better, then do something about it and venture out on your own.

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