Friday, August 22, 2014

17 Things Every Successful Leader Says Every Day

By Peter Economy  @bizzwriter

Successful leaders get that way because they have a positive attitude, and they know how to build strong and enduring relationships with their employees. Instead of becoming adversaries, they become partners with their employees--earning their respect, their trust, and their loyalty.

They don't do this, however, by keeping their opinions to themselves. They really connectwith their people--involving them, engaging them, and letting them know that they are valued and respected members of the team.

Go from being a good leader to a great leader by saying these things every successful leader says every day:

1. What do you think?

Your employees are a never-ending source of ideas, many of which you may have never thought of our considered. When you ask them what they think, you're letting them know that you want and value their ideas.

2. I trust you

Every employee wants to feel that he or she has earned the trust of his or her boss. When your employees know that you trust them, they will repay you with their good work, their loyalty, and their trust.

3. I know you can do it

When employees know that you are confident in their abilities, then their own self-confidence will increase--improving the probability that they will accomplish their goals.

4. It's not your fault

Sometimes problems occur and there's nothing your employees could have done to prevent them. Be quick to recognize when these situations occur, and let your employees know you understand that they are not to blame for them.

5. I'm proud of you

Who doesn't like to know that their parents--or their boss--is proud of the work that they do and what they have accomplished? Don't hesitate to let your employees know that you are proud of their accomplishments.

6. Please

No employee wants to be ordered or bossed around. While you may be the boss, you can and should be polite when asking an employee to do something for you.

7. Thank you

Believe it or not, 58 percent of employees reported in a workplace study that their boss seldom if ever personally thanked them for a job well done. Be the kind of leader who is generous with their praise, and your employees will appreciate you for it.

8. Great idea--let's do it

If you get good ideas from your employees, but you don't ever actually implement any of them, then your employees will quit bothering to bring new ideas to your attention. Encourage your people to create and innovate by implementing their good ideas whenever possible.

9. I've always got time for you

Your people are your most-important asset--far more valuable than your facilities and equipment, your product inventory, your intellectual property, and all the cash you've got in the bank. Make a point of taking time to talk with your employees whenever they request it. If you can't sit down with them right then and there, then make an appointment on your calendar to meet with them as soon as you possibly can.

10. I couldn't have done it without you

Employees crave recognition for a job well done. Let your employees know that you value their contributions, and that they play a vital role in the organization. Even better, tell them exactly what it was they did to earn your praise.

11. No one is perfect

Instead of playing the blame game when your employees make mistakes (which only causes them to refrain from doing anything beyond the required minimum in the future), let them know you understand that mistakes will be made, and that so long as lessons are being learned from these mistakes, you support what they are doing.

12. What can I do to help?

Your employees want your support. By asking your employees what you can do to help them--and then following through with the requested support--you are clearly demonstrating to them that you are someone they can rely on when the chips are down.

13. I made a mistake

No employee respects a boss who refuses to admit that he or she made a mistake, or who tries to blame their own mistakes on their employees. Earn the respect of your people by quickly and publicly owning up to your mistakes, and then doing whatever it takes to correct them.

14. I need your help

When you need help to get your own job done, don't be afraid to ask your employees for it. Not only will they make your burden lighter, but they will appreciate that you think highly enough of them to ask for their assistance.

15. Anything is possible

Successful leaders know that there really are no limits to what can be accomplished, given sufficient resources and motivation. Be a glass-half-full kind of person, and your positive attitude will rub off on your employees.

16. I'm sorry

Never underestimate the power of a heartfelt apology when you say or do something that offends or upsets an employee. These two words--I'm sorry--are extremely powerful, and they can heal many wounds.

17. I've got your back

Employees want to know that you've got their back when they most need your help or support. Be steadfast in your commitment to your people, and do everything in your power to be someone they can count on--in good times and bad.

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Culled from

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