Thursday, August 21, 2014

10 Must-Read eBooks for Entrepreneurs

What’s better than discovering a great new book? What about if that book is free?

I’m a big fan of reading inspirational books – I’m also a great fan of free. So the two combined is bound to be a match made in heaven!

That’s why I’ve compiled a list of my 10 top eBooks for entrepreneurs and startups. The topics range from marketing to productivity to web development and all I have read and learnt a great deal from. There’s bound to be something here for you.

When I started out I looked to free eBooks to get a brief insight into many different topic areas, to see which resonated with me. Admittedly there’s some ‘forgetable’ eBooks out there, but also some gems. Hopefully this post will help you find some of these gems.

Yes, did you hear? – they’re all free. So go get ’em!

Extra tips: Got an iPad or Kindle yet? Ebook are made for them! Just download and read on the sofa like any book. I use Goodreader App (free) to read mine

Tops Free Ebooks for Entrepreneurs (in no particular order)

1. Unleashing the Ideavirus by Seth Godin

Did you know this is the most read eBook of all time? How this guy gives away such an amazing book for free is just testament to his brilliance. Highly recommended if you’re new to Seth or a Seth veteran! Read it to: Learn how to unleash a ‘virus’ like idea onto the market

2. Getting Real by 37 Signals

If you’re thinking of building anything web based you need to read this. By the authors of one of my favourite books, Rework, and creators of game changing web products like Basecamp. In short: they know their stuff. Read it to: Discover the smarter, faster, cheaper way to build a web app

3. EBooks the Smart Way by Pat Flynn

If you don’t know about Pat’s awesome Smart Passive Income blog by now, you really should. His free eBook tells you all you need to know to writing your first eBook (let me know when you do) Read it to: Learn how to write your first eBook

4. Great overview how to do business online, properly. No big hype like you normally get in these online business books and written in a very down to earth way. I read this a couple of times when I was just starting out and it really helped me. Less relevant if you’re already a seasoned pro. Read it to: Get insights if you’re thinking of launching a blog or a web business

5. The Pompodoro Technique by Francesco Cirillo

Probably the best productivity book out there (along with David Allen’s GTD), I use the techniques in this book every day. A great read on its own, or as a next step to David Allen’s book. Want to learn more about how to become more productive? Read my post on 10 Productivity Tips Every Entrepreneur Should Know Read it to: Become more focussed, more productive and get more done

6. 279 Days to Overnight Success by Chris Guilleabeau

Chris Guilleabeau is an inspirational guy with a great story – travelling to every country in the world (currently 159 out of 193) while creating a huge community of people who don’t want to ‘conform’ to society norms. Read it to: Get inspired, get ideas and plan your own world domination

7. Focus by Leo Babuta

Leo’s Zen habits blog is legendary – his mantra of minimising your life has created a movement. This book focus shares a lot of his core learnings about how to become more Zen in your busy work life. Read it to: Declutter your life, feel more satisfied

8. Viral Copy by Brian Clark

If you write anything on the internet, the aim of the game is for it to go ‘viral’. Brian Clark of Copyblogger shares his top practical tips on how to write viral copy. Read it to: Get your blog posts shared more often

9. Believe Me by Michael Margolis

We all know how much more entertaining it is to listen to a story than dry facts. What if we could use stories to inspire others and create change? This insightful eBook introduces digital storytelling and how we can use it. Read it to: Learn how to inspire and lead through storytelling

10. Viral Marketing by David Meerman Scott

Viral marketing is one of those funny things – everyone wants to do it but few know how. If anyone does, David Meerman Scott author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR does. The fact that this eBook has been downloaded over 1 million times speaks for itself. Read it to: Learn how to get your ideas go viral!

Culled from

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